The Centre intends to examine the effects of transport infrastructures and mobility practices on urban, suburban and rural communities. In doing this, we will offer an integrated approach which combines psychological, sociological and geographical perspectives on mobility, transport and everyday social practices with a concern to address contemporary social, health and wellbeing challenges facing communities in these locations. We will consider to what extent mobility is challenged or changed by geography and the spatially variegated patterns and inequalities that occur in mobility and its governance. Using a range of qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques, including community workshops, interviews, ethnography, travel diaries and GIS mapping, we will examine this geographical context and the influence on transport and mobility. Given the rurality of much of Wales, we will examine severance and isolation in unique geographical settings away from the urban context of much research that exists in this field. This focus links with research in the University’s Rural Futures Hub themes around Community (especially access to services), Connectivity (especially Rural Spatial Justice, Rural Transport), Environment (especially Climate Change), and Health and Wellbeing (especially access to healthcare).