CeTraM researchers are committed to using a broad range of research methods to understand user experiences, habits and behaviour in the present, future and past, drawing upon the full spectrum of qualitative and quantitative methods. These vary between projects, but include qualitative methods such as interviews, surveys, diaries and archival research, ‘mobile methods’ such as go-along interviews, video ethnography and digital tracking technologies, and quantitative analyses of travel data and passenger surveys. We are particularly interested in the experiences of marginalised transport users and those with accessibility issues, including younger people, older people, and people with visual and physical impairments. Our research will address gender inequality in transportation and the issues experienced by women and girls in their everyday mobility. In our future projects we plan to work closely with a range of external partners, as well as researchers working on ‘behaviour change’ in the Aberystwyth Behavioural Insights (ABI) centre spanning Human Geography and Psychology.